
2004-08-01 - 2:48 p.m.
Amusement Parks & Late Night Boredom

feeling: still very sleepy
thinking: why the hell did I stay up til 4:00 am
listening to: CNN - DC just went on HIGH alert (scare tactics again!)
currently reading: this site

Amusement Parks

I was reading some of my buddies' blogs this morning and came across one of those daily listing sites. This time it is called Sunday Brunch, thinking to myself that I really should get involved in these again, since they can be fun. But this time, the subject is Amusement Parks, and I got to thinking to myself, well, it has been about 16 years since I have even been to an amusement park and it is now closed, so I knew I couldn't answer the questions. The topic did dredge up old memories for me though.

As a young teenager, my two maiden aunts (Aunt Jo and Aunt Betty) used to take us to Lakeside Amusement Park in Salem Virginia every summer. It was a relatively small park with about 20 rides, mostly kiddie rides, but there was a nice Farris Wheel and a roller coaster. They also had a Black Widow ride and a Tilt-a-Whirl that would make you deathly sick in no time. That was my sister's favorite ride. She was into that whole bulimic thing at the time anyway, so it didn't bother her to puke her guts out after getting off the ride. I only rode the Ferris Wheel and the Black Widow, preferring to spend my time just sitting on one of the benches watching the people going by.

I guess it really was a good thing they closed the place eventually. As the years went by, the visits there got to be less than enthusiastic. In fact, I began to dread it, but it did allow me to spend time with my two favorite aunts.

Late Night Boredom

So I broke my diurnal schedule for no apparent reason last night, except that I couldn't sleep and I was bored out of my mind and Diaryland was down for a bit. I sat in the living room, remote control in hand, flipping through channels trying desperately to find something decent to watch. I really hate late night tv on the weekends. There is usually nothing interesting worth watching unless you are a movie buff and don't mind watching the same movies played over and over again all damn weekend. My favorite nights to watch tv are Monday and Tuesday nights on TNT. They play back-to-back episodes of Law & Order and then later on, the X-Files. I did finally watch a few episodes of City Confidential and a Cold Case Files show on AE, but they just barely held my interest.

I spent most of my boredom time last night reading over three cookbooks that came in the mail yesterday. Two of them are Diabetic Vegetarian books and one is a book called The Peaceful Cook. I also did some research online on Vegans and eating Raw. I'm not quite sure I am ready to move into that direction yet, but I am getting close. Fish and seafood just aren't doing it for me much anymore. They aren't making me sick yet, but because I am eating them so often, I am afraid that I may be getting too much Mercury in my system, not to mention other toxins.

I am very concerned about the constant aches I am having lately in my knees, feet, and mid-back area. I've tried exercising to ease some of the pain and although it helps for a bit, it isn't enough. The pain is getting so severe that I cannot even sleep without taking some Tylenol PM before going to bed and then I wake up the next morning feeling all groggy and remain that way for most of the day.

Some of the research I did last night has convinced me to start weeding out fish and dairy products from my vegetarian diet. I think I can easily accomplish that in the next month (at least that will give me time to eat all the fish in the house so I don't have to toss it out in the trash!). I am convinced that if my diet consists of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grain breads and cereals, and legumes, nuts and seeds, that I will not only start losing weight again, but I will feel so much better. I plan on taking this month to gather a nice collection of easy to prepare but tasty recipes. Still not sure I am ready to go vegan or raw, but at least I will definitely be a total vegetarian.

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