
2003-06-23 - 6:33 a.m.
So This Is What I Did...

feeling: awake, alert, motivated
thinking: when will that coffee get done?!?
listening to: some ridiculous movie on HBO
currently reading: emails

So This Is What I Did...


After sitting around most of the day Friday and feeling sorry for myself for turning 37 and being that close to 40, I got up, got dressed, and went to the store. I bought a facial, some new make-up, hair dye, cheap red wine, fixings for spaghetti and garlic bread. I came home, put the sauce on for the spaghetti (a wonderful combination of fresh herbs, garlic, mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, ground turkey, and tomato sauce) and then washed my hair. While my hair dried, I gave myself a wonderful, relaxing facial while listening to Enya and burning some aromatherapy candles.

I finished the facial and then set about dyeing my hair. Gold Coast - or so the box said, light bronze brown. Ha! My hair was already a mixture of light brown, light auburn highlights and moonkissed silver strands. I just wanted something different, and boy did I get it! Instead of a light bronze brown, I got a dark auburn brown. I guess the next time the box says 30-45 minutes for maximum results, I should go for minimum results and only leave it on about 20 minutes. Not that it looks bad, just darker than I wanted.

After I finished my hair dyeing experience, I finished cooking my dinner and popped in one of the DVDs from my newly purchased Sex and the City Season One collection. And I sat in my living room, eating my spaghetti dinner, drinking my cheap red wine and watching my four favorite ladies. For six hours, I sat and watched the entire first season. Oh the memories! I never realized how indifferent Mr. Big acted that first season. No wonder poor Carrie had so many mixed feelings about how he felt about her. And of course, I cried at the end of the last episode when Mr. Big gets in the limo and drives away, leaving Carrie standing by the roadside. Her choice, but can you blame the poor girl? All she wanted was to know that she was the one and that he really loved her. I have a feeling Mr. Big will be back in the last season.

After my good cry, my hubby surprised me with a phone call. He couldn't have called at a better time. I was feeling incredibly lonely and really needed to hear a comforting voice. I told him that he had an awesome sense of timing and that I had been thinking about him (which I had). And he said, funny thing that, I was thinking about you too. Gawd, don't ya just love it! He really does make my heart melt sometimes. Sexually frustrated, I went to bed, alone...ending my 37th birthday.

Oh, I do want to thank everyone for their birthday wishes, but especially Windshadow for keeping me company most of the day and for all her special Happy B-day wishes. Thanks so much for being there for me Windshadow ::smiles::

Saturday and Sunday

If there were ever an uneventful day, Saturday was it. I did absolutely nothing of importance. I spent the majority of the day, off and on, in bed sleeping. The few times I was up, I spent that time online chatting with some friends. I was feeling lazy and therefore, was lazy. I think my psyche needed that day of complete rest, especially after all the aggrivation I put myself through on Friday. I did catch up on some of my online reading and got my email inbox cleared out. So I guess the day wasn't a total loss. I also spent some wonderful time talking to Windshadow again and my newly adopted online daughter, Caitlin. Love ya Windy and Caitlin!

Saturday was also Summer Solstice and even though I have strayed away from my Wiccan ways, Summer Solstice is still one of my favorite holidays. I did manage to clean my altar and put up some new candles and fresh flowers and I did a little cleansing ritual for myself, which resulted in some peaceful meditation.

Sunday was boring because I worked all evening. I did get to work with the new lady we hired, one of the few people to come to our store that I didn't get to train. Very unusual, but I had asked to be off Friday and Saturday, which were her two main training days. No matter. She picked up on things pretty well. Karen was a joy to work with too. She is in her mid-forties and originally from MA. She still has her accent too, which gave me quite a chuckle several times during the evening. She reminds me of myself years ago when I still enjoyed working with the public. Now it is a constant struggle for me to be around people. I don't know if it is my growing awareness that most people are content being ignorantly blissful or if it is my wish that I too were still so ignorant to the world around me. All I do know is that people, in general, really annoy me. I lose my patience with people too easily, which isn't a good thing when you work with the public.

Monday Madness

1. What zodiac sign are you? Do you believe what your zodiac sign says about the kind of person you are? I am a Gemini born on the cusp of Cancer. Yes, I do believe that our astrological sign has something to say about what kind of person we are; however, it is important to have a complete chart done that uses the exact time and place you were born so that you can get an accurate reading of who you are.

2. Do you read your horoscope on a regular (or semi-regular) basis? Do you believe there is a certain degree of accuracy in what it says? I do not read my horoscope because I believe that those are just for entertainment purposes. I have rarely ever had one of them be accurate for me. If I want to know what may happen for me on a certain day, I will do a tarot or rune reading for myself.

3. Have you ever visited (or called) any type of fortune teller? If so, feel free to share your experience; if not, feel free to share your thoughts as well. Just for kicks once, some friends and I went to a local palm reader. She told me that I would have a sexual experience that would change my life and put me on a new path. She was totally right, but I had laughed and scoffed about it at the time because I was in a dead-end relationship and almost celibate at that time. That all changed about a month later and yes, it did put me on a new path.

Something Light and Thai for the Tummy!

Crunchy Thai Salad
Recipe courtesy Jamie Oliver
Show: The Naked Chef Episode: Perfect Day

Chinese Noodles
Bean sprouts
Finely sliced green and red peppers
Baby spinach
Finely sliced and seeded red or green chiles
Rocket (arugula)
Sliced scallions
Peeled, seeded and sliced cucumbers
Finely sliced Chinese and Savoy cabbage
Whole sugar snap peas
Mint, basil and coriander (cilantro)
Lightly toasted cashew nuts or sesame seeds, for garnish

Cook the noodles as normal and prepare all the vegetables while the noodles are cooking. When they are done rinse under cold water and add to the salad.

Thai Dressing:
4 tablespoons fresh lime juice
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon sesame seed oil
1 tablespoon soy sauce
Large pinch brown sugar
1 tablespoon ginger, peeled and finely chopped
1/2 clove garlic, finely sliced
1 red chili, seeded and finely sliced
1 large handful fresh coriander (cilantro) and basil, chopped

Mix all of the ingredients together in a jam jar, shake and pour over the salad. Garnish with cashew nuts or sesame seeds.

I have made a similar Thai salad to this before, but Jamie Oliver's recipe is far better (I tried it last week!). Hope you will give it a try too!

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Damn Cellphone Users! - 2005-05-06


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