
2003-06-07 - 11:57 a.m.

feeling: a bit tired and depressed
thinking: I wish my husband was home
listening to: an episode of the Mike Malloy Show
currently reading: random stuff online

Well I did it again, missed the Friday Five, so here are my answers anyway:

The Friday Five

1. How many times have you truly been in love? Three times

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most? The person I love the most of those three is my hubby and it is because we have a strong spiritual connection to one another. He is my lover, my spiritual partner, my soul mate, and my best friend.

3. What qualities should a significant other have? a strong spiritual connection is the most important quality for me, but also a willingness to see things from the other's point of view, a dedication to the other, and good communication skills.

4. Have you ever broken someone's heart? I am sure I have over the years.

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be? love requires patience and dedication and above all, follow your heart not your head. Ok, well that was three things, but oh well.

Saturday Scruples

1. You're asked to give a eulogy for an uncle who was an S.O.B. Do you refuse? Yes, I would definitely refuse. I know that if I tried hard enough, I could probably find something good to say about the S.O.B., but why put myself through something like that when most everyone there would know that it was 90% BS.

2. At a phone booth, you need the list of antique stores in the yellow pages. Do you rip it out? no, this is the one thing that drives me nuts about public phones and phone books there. I would make sure I had a pen and notepad with me and write down the numbers I needed.

3. While your mate is out sailing, you enjoy the sudsy hot tub at the resort. A drop-dead sexy stranger caresses your foot and smiles charmingly. Do you go for it? most definitely not! Trust and faithfulness are cornerstones in my marriage beliefs. I would, however, tell the guy that although he is drop-dead gorgeous, I would much rather have my hubby playing footsies with me in the tub. I would probably even say it in a flirtatious manner because that is just who I am, but I would then dismiss myself from the hot tub. Besides, I have a drop-dead gorgeous and very sexy man of my own ::grins::

Sexy Saturday

Does size really matter? or is it technique?

I used to be one of those people who screamed: it isn't the size, it's how they use it! But those days are so gone. I've been with men of all sizes and thickness, and some who knew what they were doing and others who didn't have a fuckin' clue how to use it. I have come to the conclusion that I am not satisfied with a french tickler, or a thick plug, or even a super-huge fill-me-upper with no rhythm. What I am satisfied with is my husband's above average size and the wonderful rhythm he has when he makes love to me.

Depressing Rain Again

I've decided that it really is time for me to grow webbed-feet. It is raining, again. Yes we had a few nice days of sunshine and I spent them for the most part indoors, doing absolutely nothing. I have a hard time turning the depression switch off and all the rain we had last week and the first part of this week left me in a deep depression funk. Not to mention I have been battling this damn pain in my left side for the better part of a week now. I do know that since May 30th there have been some major solar flares, extreme weather all over the country including an unusual amount of tornados this early in the season, and some earthquake activities all over the world again. Damn me and this weather-indicator body of mine.

I am also missing my hubby a lot right now. Not merely for the sexual contact, although that is part of it, but more for just the comfort of his arms around me and snuggle-time. 9 1/2 Weeks was on early yesterday evening, and of course that movie really makes me feel sexual, so it only added to my need for hubby's comforting. I can also tell that it is getting close to Aunty Flo's visit time ::sighs:: I sat in my living room last night watching sappy love stories: City of Angels and The Wedding Planner. I cried pathetically at odd moments during both movies, not the usual moments that I usually cry during. I sat there eating praline and cream ice cream missing my husband and crying. Even when the movies were over, I cried. Even when I went to bed, I cried. Gawd I hate this time of the month, especially when I am already depressed and this just adds to it!

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