
2003-05-12 - 4:26 a.m.
No_Kid Zone & Ms. Messy Strikes Again

feeling: a bit too wired not to have had much sleep
thinking: why am I not sleepy?
listenig to: Taoism by Ken Cohen on cassette
currently reading: When Worlds Collide

Why do people automatically assume that if you are a 30-ish something female then you *must* be a mother? I had to pull the good ole 6am - 2pm shift at the Do-Nothing Mart yesterday, of all days, on Mother's Day. If I were to do a statistical analysis of the day, I would say that 90% of the men who entered the store wished me a Happy Mother's Day and 75% of the women did the same damn thing. No one bothered to ask me if I was a mother. No, they just assumed that at my age, I had to be one. When I would mention that I was not a mother, their jaws would drop (and at times hit the floor) and they would have this puzzled look on their faces for a few minutes and then would say, "oh sorry".

Sorry? They were "sorry" for me not having kids? People, this was not just some random fluke! I purposefully do not have kids! It was *my* choice, dammit!

Okay, well that may not altogether be true NOW, but it has been my basic choice since I was a kid myself. The problem I am facing now is that when I had a miscarriage years ago, the docs said I may never be able to conceive and so far, they have been right about this. But in all honesty, 99% of the time I do not want kids. Sure, I get a little moody now and again and wish that I could have at least one. Especially since my hubby has a breastmilk fetish. ::grins wickedly:: And some times I would like to help hubby fulfill that little fetish of his, but the thought quickly escapes my mind whenever I am confronted with a screaming brat in a grocery store line.

Next Mother's Day I plan on wearing a big huge button that says: THIS IS A NO_KID ZONE! or something to that effect ::grins::

Taken from meeyaopede's site:

1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not? I am extremely organized at work. Once home, I need a release from being that *perfect* person and tend to be very messy. But within my mess is a wonderful organized system that only I understand.

2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly? I have tons of them, but rarely use them. I am addicted to buying such things with the hopes that I will someday become that *perfect* person in my personal life as I am in my work life.

3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now? In my own special messy way, it is!

4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter? From time to time Ms. Perfect steps in and alphabetizes everything, but later on Ms. Messy comes along and puts everything in that wonderful disarray mode ::grins wickedly::

5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize? my poetry into categories...some just do not fit into neat little categories!

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