
killyourpimp - 2005-01-30 16:01:10
you know I read your diary all the time and I must say yogi talks to me too. Beware Toasters are apart of the Conspiracy.
killyourpimp - 2005-01-30 20:40:10
Yesh them damn toasters are evil. You should also watchout for shopping carts, water, air freshners,and them damn keebler elves. Water is forever splashing me even when I don't think there is any around. Air freshners squirt Jenn whenever she walks buy. As for shopping carts and them Keebler elves, they are trying to take over the world. Most people don't know it yet but they are everywhere and they are killing us slowly. '-'
killyourpimp - 2005-01-31 22:09:37
You know that is highly ironic. I saw a talking Chips Ahoy!cookie today the bus. He was highly scared of me, he was afraid I was gonna steal one of his chocolate chips. That made me feel bad for him so I had to leave him alone. Damn cookies, I swear they all suffer from paranoia. I think I spelled that right, not quite sure. Oh, and I found Barney and Fred fighting over my box of Fruity Pebbles in the kitchen cubbard. I have no idear how they got there. I am lost in the sauce on that my friend. I don't know whether to call 911 and report an entering or just laugh histerically. Damn them cereal creatures. They are all evil. Or mayber just skitzophrenic. Who knows. hmmmmm....I wonder.
technibeetle - 2005-02-07 14:22:43
someone should suck the innards out of birthday cards... dreadful things... i hate the nonsensical impersonality of storebought cards
Publius - 2005-03-16 16:27:59
Just saying "HEY" and want to thank you for reminding me about Rachel Corries death via your "On this day in history", so I went back and added something to my journal entry today on that.

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