
2003-06-03 - 7:05 p.m.
This-or-That Tuesday

June 3: Animals

1. Cats or dogs? definitely cats, although I am not that opposed to dogs, I just prefer cats.

2. Butterflies or birds? ravens!!

3. Horses or cows? I adore horses, but really do not have a preference for one or the other

4. Turtles or snakes? oh toughy! I am a turtle-rescuer, but I do so love snakes too.

5. Frogs or grasshoppers? definitely frogs, even though grasshoppers bring back a childhood memory of catching them for fishing bait with my dad.

6. Lions or tigers? Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY! Sorry, just had to do it. I prefer tigers.

7. Elephants or mice? I've definitely dealt with many "pink elephants" sitting in my living room over the years, so I guess if I had to chose between that and mice, it would definitely be mice.

8. Porcupines or aardvarks? ::giggles:: I wouldn't want to encounter either of these creatures.

9. Unicorns or dragons? oh another toughy! I love unicorns for their mystical elegant nature, but I am definitely draw to the dragon-nature.

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You live in a rather dumpy apartment. A friend offers you a chance to be a roommate at a new place s/he is moving into, but they don't allow pets. You have a pet. Do you find your pet a new home and take the new place, or do you keep your pet and stay put? I would definitely stay put and keep my pet. I have four adorable cats that I would never trade for anything.

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